Ladymullet Productions Presents...
23rd to 25th January 2014 Part of the 26th Midsumma Festival, Ladymullet Productions Presents... explores love and identity in the queer community through two short plays. In Belinda Bannerman's 'The L Wing', 70-year-old heartbreaker Sal is convinced new retirement home resident Andi is the one that got away - if only Andi could remember her. Kathryn Goldie's 'Love Triangle, 1919' explores notions of what kinds of lives and loves were permissible in 1919 Australia. Edward is a stablehand, Flora is a governess, but that's not the problem. Duration: 60 minutes Thursday, 23 January - 7:30pm, Friday, 24 January - 7:30pm, Saturday, 25 January - 7:30pm, Tickets $15/12 available through www.midsumma.org.au Ladymullet Productions - Belinda Bannerman and Kathryn Goldie. This project is supported by RMIT Link Arts & Culture. |
Entry 2014
Friday 7th Feb, 6-9pm - Opening 8th to 16th Feb Sylvia Lalla . Kirsten Saunders . Josh Simpson . Nicola Vance . Heinz Boeck . Renuka Rajiu . Alister Karl . Leonie Conellan . Susan Horacek . Wendy Busch . Franky Howell . Paul Dew . Kerry Straws . Jessica Sutton . Vincent Moloney . Jenna Corcoran . Alex Clark . Susan Horacek . Ben Taranto . Bianca Bongiovanni . Jill Bolitho . Genèvre Becker . Stephanie Smart . Beka Hannah . Giordano Biondi . Michael Carolan . Tul Suwannakit . Maria Simonelli . Morgan Jones . Kerry Buckland . Karla Stanley . Anne-Marie Kuter . Savina Hopkins . Jo Waite . Alfred Liu . Alexander Dathe Brunswick Arts has kicked off every year with our Fundraiser The Entry art prize since 2006 and we expect that 2014 will be even better than 2013! This year we have 36 local artists showing in Entry. Come along on opening night to help support Brunswick Arts Space and have the chance to vote for your favorite work in the peoples choice! First prize: Free show at Brunswick Arts! Second prize: $50 Deans Art voucher People's choice: To be announced (prizes announced on opening night) |
Launch 2014
Opening Friday 21st Feb 6 to 9pm Running 22nd Feb to 2nd March Xanthe Dobbie | Thea Jones | Aimee Howard | Matthew Downe | Victoria Vigors | Tricia Page | Jacqui Gordon | Cassandra Littlehands Each year, LAUNCH brings together a group of recent graduates from universities around Melbourne. Always a highlight of the year’s exhibition calendar, LAUNCH is a survey of some of the year's most dynamic, diverse and insightful new work. “This year’s artists have been invited to exhibit in LAUNCH for their exceptional creative practice which explicitly demonstrates their unabashed exploration and knowledge of their tools, subject matter and material, revealing an innovative and intimate relationship to their art. Although there are clear concepts and individual philosophies driving each of the works - each catapulted, launched, into actualisation with their own poignant raison d'etre - the very heart of each piece, of any artwork in fact, is the artist, and at times more so the audience, completely and utterly relinquishing themselves to the medium. Falling prey to her seductive charms, her charisma, her euphoria. I fantasise artists as slaves to their art and to the medium, to the allure of her unreliable predictability, her predictable unreliability. That scent of turpentine, the burning toxicity of adhesive, the perpetual grit on their hands, the strained eyes, fatigued muscles, the blisters, the cognitive exhaustion, that elusive and omnipotent problem that needs solving. But it’s not slavery entirely. It’s at once a surrender to and a mastery of the medium. It’s slavery to the touch, it’s slavery to movement, to space, to the grasp, the ungraspable, to societal downfalls, to philosophy and overall to the creative process. And it is the mastery of all of those things and more. The 2014 LAUNCH artists are showing signs of being both the slaves to and the masters of the problem and the medium. And, as an outsider, there is something utterly exciting and exhilarating in witnessing that.” Curated by Jenna Corcoran and Josephine Mead |
The Brunswick Music Festival
Opening Friday the 7th March Running 8th to 16th Gallery 1 to 3: Melbourne Future Ethno Tekh, Roger Essig, Benjamin Kolaitis, Troy Innocent, Media Lab Melbourne collective. Melbourne based artists Ethno Tekh in collaboration with Media Lab Melbourne and Brunswick Arts space will be bringing you a week of cutting edge creations and workshops for the Brunswick music festival. ‘Melbourne Future’ will take a look into what might be the future of audio visual experiences as the worlds of art and technology combine. Forget what you know about galleries, this will be an exhibition unlike anything you have ever seen before. Featuring motion controlled instruments, immersive virtual reality worlds, sculptural digital controllers, 3D printed works and creative technology workshops, the space will be filled with art and talks that will intrigue and inspire. These works will bring you a refreshing new outlook on the future and overlap of creative arts and technology. Throughout the exhibition we will be hosting free, creative technology workshops that will cover a variety of topics, all aimed at giving people an insight and the tools they need to get started creating their own experiments and art works. We will be conducting workshops on motion controlled interaction, virtual reality environments, creating custom instruments and inputs with Arduino and 3D printing. There will be something for everyone at ‘Melbourne Future’. Metsä Pako BENTEN CLAY, Jenna Corcoran and Music For Installations Visual artists BENTEN CLAY (Berlin) and Jenna Corcoran (Melbourne) collaborate with soundscape artist Music For Installations (Belgium) to create the installation exhibition Metsä Pako; an immersive environment filled with ambient, experimental sounds and video projections taken from and inspired by the magical Finnish countryside. Music For Installations captured audio samples of rural Finland during an artist residency in 2011, and invited Benten Clay and Jenna Corcoran to create video art inspired by the resulting atmospheric soundscapes and surrounding environment. The result is a sublime sanctum resonating with the enchanting whimsy of the Finnish landscape and a sense of wonderment and discovery. |
ger·mi·nate (jûrm-nt)
Mar 28 6 to 9pm Mr Congo To cause to sprout or grow. 1. To begin to sprout or grow. 2. To come into existence: An idea germinated in his mind. My sketches, paintings and collages arise from my experience living in the Southern USA..Tarpon Springs, Florida. My home and family experiences are addressed in each piece. My imagination and things I’m interested in are part of the art in which I create. My fantasies as a child now come to form on paper and canvas. My fears and dreams are channelled here. I hope you enjoy the exhibition as much as I’ve enjoyed creating it for you. The title, Germinate grew upon me.. It means to grow or to sprout as these ideas have in my mind. I hope that tonight will have you meet others and share your lives, dreams and hopes. The talents performing at tonight’s show are some up and coming features of Melbourne and the world. I’ve enjoyed their spirits and energy so I hope you will too. Mr. Congo |
Solo shows by Chloe Vallance, Regina Längle and group show, Old Shed
Opening 4th April 6 to 9pm Running 5th to 19th April Open by appointment, contact [email protected] or call 9383 2263 Gallery 1 & 2
Old Shed Leon Van De Graaff . Alister Karl . Ive Surrocuk . Josephine Waite What's he building in there? What the hell is he building in there? He has subscriptions to those magazines... He never waves when he goes by he's hiding something from the rest of us... He's all to himself... I think I know why... He took down the tyre swing from the Peppertree... He has no children of his own you see... He has no dog... And he has no friends and his lawn is dying... Now what's that sound from under the door? He's pounding nails into a Hardwood floor... and I swear to god I heard someone moaning low... and I keep seeing the blue light of a T.V. show... He has a router and a table saw... He has no friends...but he gets a lot of mail...I'll bet he spent a little time in jail... I heard he was up on the roof last night signalling with a flashlight... And what's that tune he's always whistling... (Tom Waits, 'What's He Building') Gallery 3 Documents of a Daily Practice Chloe Vallance The central focus of my work is studio based painting and drawing. My work has been formed through the exploration of portraiture; people engaging in a creative and playful activity and how they relate to people, objects and space. I paint with water colours, gouache and ink and draw with colour pencils on paper and plywood and recycled objects. I see my portraiture work as an archive of intimate engagements; documents of a daily practice. I am currently completing my Masters by Research in Fine Art at RMIT University. I recently received a scholarship to study painting and drawing in Rome during the European summer of this year. I intend to continue to travel to expand my research based art practice into new realms. Project Space I Myself Regina Längle To give everyone the opportunity to decide by themselves, to show oneself in your own way – in the way you see yourself. To create a space in which one defines oneself, alternate to the public face. But to what extent are we influenced by our environment? Are we free to choose ourselves or are we just the result of our environment? People with disabilities have special skills. They often can show their feelings straighter. A series of self-portraits in collaboration with ‘ArtLife’ at the Footscray Community Art Centre has enabled the continuation of this project. Regina Längle, lives and works in Austria, Vienna, found inspiration on this project in her sister Armina with Down syndrome. In October 2013, she already held an exhibition about ‘I Myself’ with photographs of 40 people with special needs, which was very well appealed to the visitors. |
Gallery 1 to 3
Blueprint Works from Studio 2threeA Opening 2nd May 6-9pm Running 3rd -18th May Wendy Black. Merric Brettle. Conrad Clark. Kasia Fabijańska. Michael Gromm. Christopher Jewitt. Lazar Krum. Gregory MacKay. David McLeod. Priscilla Manthey. Jackie Ralph. Becky Richards. Josh Simpson. Graeme Thompson. Charlotte Watson For over two decades artists have occupied the former cool-store housing Studio 2threeA. Several hundred artists have used the space to create works in a wide range of media. Over the years a fluid but strong sense of community has developed, although artists come and go, networks are formed and ideas are shared. Blueprint aims to demonstrate the importance of the studio environment as a catalyst for artistic development. The show will share written stories and experiences about the studio underpinning an exhibition of works from the current studio residents. The result will be a show that serves as a ‘snapshot’ of the studio collective - not only of individual artistic practices, but also of the dynamics within Studio 2threeA. Project Space
Self-Help Monument Opening 2nd May Running 3rd to 18th may Mitchel Brannan Self congratulation for someone else. Waits, ruminates and is not affirmed - too self-reflexive. All talk, no sticker. |
Gallery one & two
Qualia Tamara Carey Opening Fri 23rd May Running 24th May to 8th June Qualia is a term used in philosophy to denote the more subjective properties of our own personal experiences. Essentially, qualia are things that we cannot easily describe to one another or that we might each perceive slightly differently. Examples of qualia are things like the perception of colour or temperature. How do we all know that we see the colour red the same way? Does 10°C feel the same to each of us? The concept relates very well to art as it is one’s own perception that gives a piece, meaning, mood or emotion. Perception of colour, space and form is a significant theme featured in Tamara’s work. Though the artist takes inspiration from her life and environment, she places great emphasis on the concept of inviting the viewer to “see what they see”, not what they are “told” to see. |
EC Window
Angry Birds / Hostile Eden Leon van de Graff 20th may to 8th June Angry Birds / Hostile Eden is a child's game played in the great Australian backyard, with all the delirious joy, broodiness and destruction childish games can cause. The flotsam and jetsam of suburban life are re imagined into characters and situations. An absurd and dangerous game of contemporary Australian politics is played-out with snail shells, playing cards, action figures and matches. The EC Window at Edinburgh Castle // 681 Sydney Road Brunswick |
EC Window City of dreams Liz Walker 9th to 29th June City of dreams contemplates an enchanting peaceful and colourful world where everyone is equal and everything is possible. The EC Window at Edinburgh Castle // 681 Sydney Road Brunswick |
Opening Fri 4th July Running 5th to 20th July Gallery one bi Jenna Corcoran Twice, two, both, doubly. My head, my heart. Split in two. My body. Wanting both. Wanting it all. Swinging violently to the extremes. Never resting. Needing two. Being two. Being both. Needing a double. Here and there. Up and down. Left and right. In and out. Interdisciplinary artist Jenna Corcoran uses a variety media, ranging from sculpture to drawing, to investigate the bi in relationships, people, objects and herself. Gallery two ATTRACTION MECHANICS by Jade Walsh Attraction Mechanics is an exhibition of sewing/screen-print paintings, mixed media installation and performance video exploring intimate relationships. Walsh uses machines such as an industrial sewing machine, the screen-printing process and a mechanical typewriter. Her vulnerable, philosophical and psychological themes contrast against the mechanical nature of machines; Walsh finds the vulnerability in her use of these machines and is bold enough to show it. Jade Walsh makes art directly informed by her life with others and has shown in Melbourne, Alice Springs and New York. She lives and works in Brunswick, has completed her MFA at RMIT University and has participated in screen-print residencies in Europe and America. www.jadewalsh.com.au Gallery Three Nobody with textures... Jonathan Sinatra A photographic installation with textures. The first part of a series on dance and new media. Project Space Track 3 James Halliburton sound, music.continuous choices that we make. though the making of we are not included.expectations are often limited, but do we take control when offered a chance? to change what we hear? |
EC Window
Medusa’s Answering Machine… Nick Waddell 30th June to 20th July Apollodorus of Athens told an immortal story, and as its immortal, it can be re-told here by artist Nick Waddell. He explores the influence of seeing with his new marble works by re-imagining the power of the Gorgon with a modern twist, turning obsolete appliances into stone… This work explores ancient materials (Marble) and technologies combining them with the notion of the modern death of Technology (inbuilt obsolescence) We live in times where intelligent use of technologies is as important as ever, (Perseus slew the Gorgon’s head by cleverly matching his talents and wit to the tools supplied to him by Athena and Hermes). In modern times, we are asked to discard our technological devices once they become unfashionable, un-useable or un-workable. This in turn perpetuates the market for these “consumer” goods. This work looks at what becomes of the old when we turn our eye to the new? The EC Window at Edinburgh Castle // 681 Sydney Road Brunswick |
Opening Fri 25th July
Running 26th July to 10th August Gallery one & two: Mimesis Transition Tul Suwannakit Mimesis Transition evokes upon the notions of alienation, mimicry and adaptation through the medium of taxidermy and drawing. The works oscillate between reality and imaginative fantasy that re-represent nature in the abstraction of form. Identities are stripped away, anatomies tampered with and taxonomies distorted. This results in the desirable ambiguity of confusion, unsettlement, enigmatic quality that acts as an entry point for the viewers to uncover and discover nature’s true identity. Organism that lacks natural defensive mechanism mimics other species in order to blend in, adapt and survive. Vulnerable and fragile organisms form a group to deceive their foe. A predator imitates other species so that it can approach its prey without alarming it. A series of drawing accompanying the body of work serve as a blank canvas for pre-visualization and mark making process, that helps with the exploration and understanding of form, material and space. Project Space: The Photograph Christine Caminiti Christine’s art practice combines interests in people, observations and narratives. She has solicited friends, family, acquaintances and strangers to take part in various conversations prompted by her request for them to describe a photograph or the story the photograph suggests. Through these interactions Christine observes the individuality of her participants, their personalities and behaviours. From this she learns about the nature of human beings. |
Opening Fri 15th August Running 16th to 31st August Project space: Still, Life Jess Kelly Still, Life is a collection of small and playful sculptures that draw together found objects, organic materials, glass and light, to reflect upon the experiential nature of having body with which to be alive. Gallery one: The 'Burbs Alfred Liu & Morgan Jones The 'Burbs is a re-imagining of the Australian suburbs through the medium of drawing. Alfred Liu’s drawings are the expression of cultural diaspora and his romanticised cultural heritage. Meanwhile Morgan Jones dismantles the world around him by abstracting architecture and blurring the lines between drawing and photography. Gallery two: Unfix Wendy Busch I have created this series of paintings in order to investigate states of anxiety and alienation. The exploration is based on my experience of the relentless and pressurized situation of living in contemporary society. I have used aluminum, oil and enamel and incorporated flat colour, geometry and the textural application of paint to isolate a solitary figure in space. The project draws on personal feelings of uncertainty and apprehension, which can be experienced during the process of self-analysis. www.simulacrumstudio.com Gallery Three: [INSERT ALBUM NAME HERE] Frau Skill [INSERT ALBUM NAME HERE] is a conceptual art collection of twelve-inch album covers. The collection deconstructs the link between music and imagery, replacing it with a reverse-engineered path, one where the design and name of the artist and album allow the user to self-populate an album not already etched with sound. The collection poses the questions: What does this sound like? Who is the artist? And, critically, how did it make you feel? |
Opening Sat 6th September
Running 7th to 14th September Gallery one, two and three: Open Air Stella Windridge . Andie Leslie . Mari Adams . Gemma Pass . Rebecca Mccauley . Sarra Tzijan . Jamal Twycross-Smith. Drawing on the Scandinavian social tradition of 'Friluftsliv' ('open-air life') Open-Air is a group exhibition that explores and celebrates the human connection to nature in providing a sense of belonging, place and identity in a modern Australian context. Through the artists' synergy of sound, light and visuals, Open-Air looks to re-connect viewers to a deeper relationship between humans and the natural world which emphasises emotional and sensory ties, unity and vitality, benevolence and an implication for a lifestyle which leads to sustainable living. |
Landscapes from lost memories
Colleen Jones and Frankie St Paul 2nd to 21st September A journey through an imagined past The EC Window at Edinburgh Castle // 681 Sydney Road Brunswick |
As You Like It
Spark For the Melbourne Fringe Festival 25 Sep - 5 Oct A funny celebration of the fools we become in the pursuit of love, As You Like It is also a reminder that we should strive to create a society where we can fully express who we are and love who our hearts demand, freely and publicly – even get married. This will be a stripped back actor-generated short sharp Shakespeare (running 90 minutes with no interval) as the characters shed the buttoned up restrictions of Melbourne winter to reveal who they truly are as they step into the Melbourne spring.
Two Thousand and Four
Celebrating the 10 year anniversary of Brunswick Arts Space Opening Fri 17th October Running 18th October to 2nd November Max D. Piantoni . John Stevens . Alister Karl . Tamara Watt . Adele Smith . Joel Gailer . Alex Clark . Ive Sorocuk . Jo Waite . Sarah McKenzie . Alison Hanly . Jenna Corcoran . Benjamin Webb . Karis Sim . Carmen Reid . Leon Van De Graaff . Damien Pitts . Ahmarnya Price . Claire Manning Brunswick Arts Space has survived the ups and downs of the last ten years. Surviving both the financial turmoils and the rigours of running a not-for-profit art space. We have seen four Prime Ministers in office, two Presidents, the rise of the smart phone, Facebook, Google and YouTube. Over 10 years, many talented people have been involved in the space in all sorts of ways. To celebrate, we are bringing together as many of these people as we can to have a show about the gallery's inaugural year. At first glance 2004 seems like quite an uneventful year viewed from the lofty heights of 2014. But if you look a little longer you find great things, terrible things and the occasional straight out strange thing. Riots in Redfern, an Australian Miss Universe, whales exploding in the streets of Taiwan, robots on mars and the invention of a little internet fad called Facebook. The science fiction year 2000 was still fresh in our memories, we hadn't become so blasé about living in the 2000's, most of us vividly remembered living in the 80's and watching the amazing future in the television show Beyond 2000. September 11 was also still fresh in every one's minds and we were right in the middle of “The War on Terror”. Our world leaders using the word “Evil” in every second speech they gave causing racial tensions in every walk of life (especially here in Brunswick). The proclamations never really sitting very comfortably with us, we all knew in the back of our minds that describing things as evil was the undertaking of children’s morning cartoons not Presidents and Prime Ministers. Curated by Alister Karl |
Opening Fri 7th November
Running 8th to 23rd November Gallery one: Faceplay / Poke Moments Samantha Sederof & Jasmine Moston Both artists explore moments of intimacy be they private, awkward, hopeful or despairing. Each artist in their own medium is seeking to reveal an intimate human moment enabling the viewer to step inside. Gallery Two: Coverage Ben Taranto Coverage considers waste and human sprawl. There is a scientific suggestion that humans are a geo-physical force effective at influencing the Earth’s atmosphere and rock strata. Human activity such as relentless land development, waste accumulation and mass species extinction adds weight to the suggestion that we have entered a new geological epoch: The Anthropocene. This large sculptural installation consists of many irregular shaped glass objects formed by slumping fragments of broken glass. The glass was reclaimed from my immediate urban environment and will form an island of compressed waste material on the galley floor. |
Creative Moreland Website Launch Opening 28th November, 6 to 8pm Benjamin Baker | Sam Leach | Adam Douglass | Marko Maglaic | Winter Thundergaze | Shanrah Austin | Renato Colangelo | David Luviano | Lucia Andrusovna | Andrew Keall | Turbo Brown | Samantha Heriz | Alister Karl | Darcy Gladwin Creative Moreland is a website for artists, creative people and industries to connect and share their work. |
Golf Club!
A bunch of artists, a playable mini golf course and a bar. What could possibly go wrong? Opening Fri 5th Dec, 6 to 9pm Running 6th to 21st Dec Jude Agar, Holly-Anne Buck (UK), Ian Burns (USA), Alex Clark, Alister Karl, Aaron McGarry Max Piantoni, John Johns (collective), Masato Takasaka, Leon van de Graaff, Liz Walker To mark the end of the 2014 exhibition season Brunswick Arts Space presents Golf Club! A playable mini-golf course designed by artists.Free to view exhibition, $5 to play. The critics are on holiday so have some fun! Curated by Leon van de Graaff |