After 11 years, two months and two days at 2a Little Breese Street, Brunswick Arts Space was moved on. Over the past decade, BA has helped thousands of artists and curators exhibit, perform and present their work, and enabled many emerging and established artists to have their voices heard. Together, we have sweated it out on the mezzanine with beer in hand, sat on the cold concrete in the freezing winter, and played chicken with the cars in the alleyway. More faces have come through Brunswick Arts than could ever be remembered – and every one of them has helped make the place so much more than just a white box. Many artists and visitors have described Brunswick Arts as an honest, welcoming and accessible space, willing to take chances and offer an affordable platform for the local community. Since 2013 we have curated two exhibitions which addressed the rapid urban development taking place around Brunswick Arts, 'We are being surrounded' explored the negative aspects and 'Desire Lines' explored the positive. At that time, we understood our future as a gallery was uncertain, and that the character of our neighborhood was changing forever. The shows examined the idea of urbanisation and change, and the creative opportunities of an uncertain future. |
In 2015, we do the same – recognizing that we must grow alongside the community around us. Although we will no longer have the space at Little Breese Street, the management committee will continue to work together, and look at options for new opportunities in the future. Although it is an uncertain time, we look forward to embracing the new chapter, and remain positive for the next phase of Brunswick Arts Space.
Current Committee Members
Alister Karl Adele Smith Ive Sorocuk Leon Van De Graaff Past Committee Members Jenna Corcoran Carmen Reid Josephine Mead John Stevens Damien Pitts Max Dominic Piantoni Lenni Morkel-Kingsbury Ahmarnya Price Benjamin Webb Alice Dunn Erin Voth |
Claire Manning
Shini Pararajasingham Michelle Harle Alison Hanly Sarah McKenzie Tamara Watt Polly Stanton Hugh Maher Felix J Taylor Jo Waite Founders
Joel Gailer Amber Hardman |